Friday 4 July 2014

Summer Goals.

I love making lists, and I thought what better excuse than to make a list of my summer goals! I have technically already had a month of summer, however we shall overlook that and pretend July is the beginning (as it is for most people anyway!)

1) Go swimming in the sea as often as possible 

2) Go surfing so I can get good(ish) again

3) Get fitter - do more exercise like swimming/running

4) Do sit ups every morning before breakfast 

5) Eat more healthily, i.e. get into eating salads and fruit more

6) See as many of my friends as possible as much as possible

7) Read more books... I really want to see The Fault in Our Stars but I feel like I cant until I've read the book!

8) Do a proper clear out of my room and throw away old things (this one will be hard for me as I'm a secret stasher/hoarder haha!)

9) Do something really spontaneous

10) Develop my blog and create some good posts I'm proud of

11) Build a massive sandcastle

12) Learn how to cook more dishes and bake lots of cakes - kind of undermines no.5 but thats life!

13) Make the longest daisy chain ever

14) Watch as many sunsets as I can

15) Have fish and chips on the beach

16) Drink 2 litres of water a day

17) Dance all night, to the best song ever...

18) Sort out my clothes/re-vamp my summer wardrobe

19) Spend as much time outside as possible (I really hope it stays this sunny and warm!)

20) Make the most of every second!

So these are my summer goals... some more likely to be achieved than others but I think its always a start to have good intentions! What are your summer goals? I would love to hear some other ideas!



  1. Hahaa I always read the book before seeing the film too:)
    I think the film was one of the best adaptations of a book so I think you will defiantly love it!!x

    1. Definitely the best way to do it! ooooh okay thats good, I love it when films portray the book really well! One of my favourite adaptions ever was Hunger Games 2 (Catching Fire I think it's called?!) weird I know but it captured the essence of the story so well and it literally blew me away it was so exciting!x

  2. Lovely post,dear:)
    Keep in touch xoxo
