Sunday 24 April 2016

Power of words

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you…
Except they do hurt you.
I think too often we forget the power our words have on other people. Words can be irrevocably damaging to people’s self esteem but also to their self-concept.
We all have a view of ourselves, our personalities and what makes us ‘me’. Other people telling us how we make them feel and who they think we are contributes to our self concept. Therefore, words have great influence and impact who we are as people. All the characteristics and words spoken over us are taken into account and are either accepted to fit within our construct of ourselves or rejected.
Sometimes words are spoken over us that we know to be untrue but place doubts in our minds as to who we really are. Am I really a bad person? Am I really stupid? The problem is that often these negative portrayals of character come from friends or family members – people whose opinion matters to you.
So today I just want to remind you of the saying “if you can’t think of anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. Very cliche, but our words are powerful and can influence people more than we can imagine.

Monday 3 November 2014

Exploring Barcelona.

Last week was a "reading week" for me at University and so instead of doing all the reading I probably should have been doing, I went to Barcelona for a few days with my family instead!

It was an incredible trip and we did so much sightseeing, exploring many of Barcelona's top attractions:
- Flamenco at Palau Musica Catalana
- "Arena" shopping centre at the old bullfighting ring
- La Sagrada Familia
- Casa Mila
- Park Guell
- Picasso Museum
- Boadas Cocktail Bar
- Magic Fountains
- Santa Maria del Mar Cathedral
- Las Ramblas
- Barcelona Cathedral

I thought I would share a few of my photos with you all, showing some of my favourite places that we went to...

La Sagrada Familia was by far my favourite place that we visited in Barcelona. It was the most incredible Cathedral, and 100% the biggest I've ever seen. It was designed by Gaudi over 100 years ago and is still being built today! The main interior of the cathedral was breathtakingly big, with massively high ceilings and beautiful stain glass windows in different colours covering the walls.

We also visited Park Guell and Casa Mila which were both designed by Gaudi and had amazing architecture. The amount of detail and work that went into his designs was just incredible.

"Boadas" is the oldest cocktail bar in Barcelona, and definitely made the most impressive cocktails I've ever seen! They were as good as they looked...!

This was a view from just above where the Magic Fountains were... unfortunately we showed up with hundreds of other people to see them and they weren't actually on that night due to a change in times for the winter!

I had such a fun time in Barcelona with my family and I especially loved seeing all the amazing buildings with the crazy architecture! I hope everyone else who had a half term had a good one! xo


Thursday 11 September 2014


Okay I realise we are now well into September, but how I do not know. I feel like September crept up on all of us and I can't believe it is Autumn again already!

I have actually had 3 months off this summer (thank you university), but I still feel scared at how fast this year is going!

I took a look back at some of my Summer Goals from my blog post and thought it would be fun to share with you all how I got on...

1) Go swimming in the sea as often as possible 
 - I actually managed this one! I swam almost every single day in July as the weather was so amazing!

2) Go surfing so I can get good(ish) again
- Fail. The sea was basically flat all summer unfortunately

3) Get fitter - do more exercise like swimming/running
- Well success on the swimming front... the running thing was never gonna happen haha

4) Do sit ups every morning before breakfast 
- YES - at least for the month of June and then mostly when I remembered!

5) Eat more healthily, i.e. get into eating salads and fruit more
- I've been having a lot of homemade smoothies this summer which I have been enjoying

6) See as many of my friends as possible as much as possible
- I think I've done quite well on this one, I've seen pretty much all of my school friends and have loved catching up with them all and spending lots of time with them.

7) Read more books... I really want to see The Fault in Our Stars but I feel like I cant until I've read the book!
- So I watched the film without reading the book oops! I have read a couple of books though so thats a start.

8) Do a proper clear out of my room and throw away old things (this one will be hard for me as I'm a secret stasher/hoarder haha!)
- As if I was going to do this...

9) Do something really spontaneous
- Not sure I managed this one in the way I was thinking when I wrote it. Although my family went on a spontaneous(ish) trip to Italy (see previous blog post), even that was booked 3 months in advance haha. 

10) Develop my blog and create some good posts I'm proud of
- I have failed so much at my blog this summer but have just been spending lots of time outside and with my friends instead. I think it'll be easier when I'm back at university to get into a routine of writing posts!

11) Build a massive sandcastle
- Did this. It was great.

12) Learn how to cook more dishes and bake lots of cakes - kind of undermines no.5 but thats life!
- Baked many many cakes but not so much of the actual main course dishes... cooking at university could be interesting!

13) Make the longest daisy chain ever
- Nooooo I forgot about this one - off to make one now...

14) Watch as many sunsets as I can
- Most of the sunsets I watched I was doing no.15...

15) Have fish and chips on the beach
- Yay I had fish and chips on the beach several times with various friends and family. It's so lovely to eat on the beach and watch the sunset!

16) Drink 2 litres of water a day
- Whilst I definitely haven't managed drinking 2 litres a day, I have been drinking a lot of water this summer in replacement of other drinks.

17) Dance all night, to the best song ever...
- Does dancing till 2.30am count for this?

18) Sort out my clothes/re-vamp my summer wardrobe
- I haven't sorted them out per se, however I have bought quite a few new clothing items!

19) Spend as much time outside as possible (I really hope it stays this sunny and warm!)
- It's been such an amazing summer weather-wise so this one hasn't been hard at all

20) Make the most of every second!
- I've had such an incredible summer, I've had so much fun and I can't believe how fast 3 months went! 

Although I'm sad summer is over now, I'm so so excited about going back to university and seeing all my friends there again. I also cannot wait to start wearing cosy jumpers and trackies again and snuggle up watching films all day!

Did you all have a good summer? xo